HyperX Pudding Keycaps UK Layout – Full Key Set – Translucent Design for RGB Keyboards– Signature HyperX Font – Compatible with HyperX Mechanical Keyboards | BLACK ; HKCPXA-BK-UK/G

$ 15.00 ---ONLY---
SKU: HKCPXA-BK-UK/G Categories: , ,

HyperX Pudding Keycaps UK Layout Translucent

Expert Features

  • Translucent design for lustrous RGB lighting : The dual-layer design of these keycaps is designed to let more light shine through, making your keyboard’s RGB lighting even more stunning.
  • Signature HyperX font : Our bold, wide font allows for more light to shine through, enhancing the visibility and legibility of the individual keys.
  • Compatible with HyperX mechanical gaming keyboards : The full key set is compatible with HyperX and most mechanical gaming keyboards. They complement the exposed LED design of HyperX mechanical key switches.
  • Stylish keycap removal tool included : Our key cap removal tool is specially-designed to precisely fit HyperX keycaps.

ABS keycaps



HyperX Pudding Keycaps UK Layout Translucent

HyperX Pudding Keycaps UK Layout – Full Key Set – Translucent Design for RGB Keyboards– Signature HyperX Font – Compatible with HyperX Mechanical Keyboards | BLACK ; HKCPXA-BK-UK/G

  • HyperX Pud ding Key caps feat ure a transl ucent d ual-lay er sty le a nd our sig nature HyperX fo nt,
  • bo th of whic h are designe d to provi de ext ra bril liance. Thes e ABS ke ycaps pr ovide a diff erent f eel tha n our key caps
  • ma de of  PBT mate rial. The fu ll k ey set is com patible w ith Hyper X an d m ost oth er mec hanical ga ming keyb oa rds a nd c om
  • es w ith a st yli sh H ype rX ke yc ap r em ov al to ol fo r ea sy ins tall ation. HyperX Pudding Keycaps UK Layout Translucent